Customizing the Terminal with Zsh

PUBLISHED: June 11, 2020 IN ,

Let's start by installing the Zsh, run the following commands. Replace 'dnf' with your package manager. I am running this command on Fedora 32 and for me, it's 'dnf'.

sudo dnf install zsh
zsh --version

You may see something similar to 'zsh 5.8 (x86_64.............' if Zsh is successfully installed.

Now, let's install Oh-My-Zsh, Run the command below.

sh -c "$(wget -O -)"

When the installation is complete, we need to set the Zsh as our default. Go to Edit>Preference>Profiles and select the Command tab. From there, select the run a custom command instead of my shell and write 'zsh' in the text field underneath.

Terminal Preference
Terminal Preference

At this point, you have Zsh and Oh-my-zsh installed. Now, let's customize it with 'powerlevel10k' theme. To make the 'powerlevel10k' theme work properly, we need to install some fonts.

Double-click on each font after downloading and click "Install". This will make MesloLGS NF font available to all applications on your system.

Finally, install the powerlevel10k theme with the following command.

git clone --depth=1 ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k

When the installation is complete, run the command below.

gedit .zshrc

And set the value of ZSH_THEME like ZSH_THEME="powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k". Save and Close it and then restart your terminal. You'll be asked to complete the theme setup process, configure it as your preference

Leave a comment if you have any questions or suggestions.

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Sheehab Muhammad
I am Sheehab Muhammad — a Software Engineer experienced in Data Mining, Image Processing, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning & Full-Stack Development.
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